Those in Red denotes BOB



Manchester Bill Browne-Cole Silvae Trade Name Jethard Just Jive Tendrow I Am Legend with Elderkine Silvae Solo
Crufts Arnold Derry Greyhayne Hooray Henry Brumberhill Mr Wilks Silvae Trade Secret `Tendrow I Am the One From Collidach
Southern Dachshund Jan Pain Silvae Trader Tecklegarth Gatling Silvae Trademark Wagsford Jennifer
Wirehaired Dachshund Club Daniel Roberts Derochaise Manhatton Cishelvine Caught Out Derochaise Black Orchid Allfreys Helena
WELKS Albert Wight Silvae Trader Tanahill Oslo Silvae Trade Secret Silvae Trademark
Birmingham National Fay Hutchings Greyhayne Hooray Henry Silvae Trader Allfreys Helena Derochaise Black Orchid
Blackpool Robin Searle Megline Aramis Silvae Trader `Tendrow I Am the One From Collidach Silvae Trade Secret
SKC Pam Marston Pollock Tecklegarth Gatling Allfreys Here's Looking at You Brumberhill Bellina Allfreys Helena
Bath Janet Geeson Silvae Trader Megline Aramis Wagsford Hester Brumberhill Bellissima
Southern Counties Ann Shelton Silvae Trader Cishelvine Just a Kiss with Hototo Cairparavel Kiss from a Rose Boloria's Arabella
Windsor Jenny Rowe Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip Greyhayne Hooray Henry Sunsong Keep a Promise Allfreys Helena
Leeds Ken Andews Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip Brumberhill Mr Wilks Boloria's Trick or Treat Ambiesque Applaud
Houndshow Mike Caple Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip Cloudside Oliver Silvae Trademark Allfreys Helena
Midland Dachshund Club Antony Bongiovanni Greyhayne Hooray Henry Silvae Trader Stanegate Catherine Wheel Derochaise Elusia
Paignton Juliet Cooper Cishelvine Just a Kiss with Hototo Royal Pepper Vice Versa Allfreys Helena Silvae Trademark
Welsh Kennel Club Vivien Phillips Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip Tecklegarth Gatling Silvae Keynote Gando Av Larhjelm
Dachshund Club of Wales Helen Wayman Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip Silvae Trader Silvae Trademark `Tendrow I Am the One From Collidach
Richmond Doug Hall Megline Aramis Allfreys Here's Looking at You Sunsong Keep a Promise Boloria's Trick or Treat
Lancs & Cheshire Ros Rawson Silvae Trader Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip Cishelvine Just a Enigma Bramalodge Betsy Button
Midland Counties Carolyn Davies Silvae Trader Megline Aramis Silvae Trademark Bramalodge Betsy Button
Darlington  Dr A Paloheimo Derochaise Vincenzo Di Braego Cishelvine Just a Kiss with Hototo Stanegate Catherine Wheel Stanegate Calamity Kate
Dachshund Club   Valerie Phillips Cishelvine Just a Kiss with Hototo Tecklegarth Gatling Derochaise Elusia Sunsong Keep a Promise
Great Joint Simon Parsons Silvae Klansman Cishelvine Just a Kiss with Hototo Silvae Trademark Sunsong Keep a Promise
LKA Lauren Armstrong Wyldetarn Shoot from the Hip Silvae Trader Silvae Trademark Tendrow Turns the Right Page