Manchester Championship Show 2014

Dachshund (Wire Haired)

Judge: Mr A P Rees 


BEST OF BREED : 534 COVERLEY Mrs L Aventine Jamaica Inn 
Best Dog : 534 COVERLEY Mrs L Aventine Jamaica Inn 
Res Best Dog : 537 DOWNES Miss L Aventine You Only Live Twice 
Best Bitch : 533 BARNEY Mr J A Ch Molloney On Denise For Romaunt 
Res Best Bitch : 538 EDWARDS, Mr W & LAVIN Miss J Bellavin Alfreda 
Best Puppy : 538 EDWARDS, Mr W & LAVIN Miss J Bellavin Alfreda 
Best Veteran : 
Best Breeder : 

Class 155 PD NO ENTRIES 

Class 156 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 534 COVERLEY Mrs L Aventine Jamaica Inn 

Class 157 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 1 

Class 158 OD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 537 DOWNES Miss L Aventine You Only Live Twice 

Class 159 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 538 EDWARDS, Mr W & LAVIN Miss J Bellavin Alfreda 
2nd: 544 WEBB Mrs D Beatrice Of Wanaby Bay (Imp) ARAF 

Class 160 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st: 542 PATERSON, Mr P & PATERSON Mr B Ambiesque Agna 

Class 161 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 535 COVERLEY Mrs L Aventine Dawn Patrol 
2nd: 540 MOORE Mrs A Romanchi Bella Bella 

Class 162 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 533 BARNEY Mr J A Ch Molloney On Denise For Romaunt 
2nd: 536 COVERLEY Mrs L Ch & Ir Ch Aventine Shaken Not Stirred 
3rd: 539 EDWARDS, Mr W & LAVIN Miss J Romanchi Kikima Of Bellavin 

JD (1) 1 BD and BOB, Coverley's Aventine Jamaica Inn. On entering the ring this youngster caught my eye for quality and balance, he is excellently constructed and very well angulated front and rear. He is presented in fantastic coat and condition, which gave him the edge over the open bitch in the BOB challenge. A little playfull at times but when settled he ticks all the boxes will watch his progress with interest.

(1) 1 &Res BD, Downes' Aventine You Only Live Twice. A strong impressive headpiece into well muscled neck of moderate length. Firm topline held well, both on the move and stack, with excellent ribbing with short well muscled loin. Presented in good coat.

(2) 1, RBB &BPIB, Edwards &Lavin's Bellavin Alfreda. The more mature of the two in the class with pleasing head and body proportions for her age, she is of excellent size, body and bone, standing on great feet, using herself to full advantage on the move. 2 Webb's Beatrice Of Wanaby Bay (Imp) ARAF. Very much the raw baby who will need some time to grow on, however, she has the proportions and angulation to develop into, and she is full of confidence and showmanship, which will be a great asset.

(3, 2) 1 Paterson & Paterson's Ambiesque Agna. Impressive head and expression into long strong neck, longer cast in back and loin than I prefer, but still holding a firm topline. Very true on the up and back with free flowing profile action.

(2) 1 Coverley's Aventine Dawn Patrol. A very elegant girl with excellent angulation, good height to length proportions, presented in superb coat condition, would just like to see her a little more settled when moving away. 2 Moore's Romanchi Bella Bella. A more compact fuller bodied bitch than class winner, who holds a very clean cut outline both on the stack and move, would just like her to use herself better on the move, especially in profile, where she appeared a little less enthusiastic.

(3) 1 &BB, Barney's Ch Molloney On Denise For Romaunt. One I judged back last year at Border Union awarding her BAVNSC Hound Bitch. She impressed me again today, especially in profile on the move where she is untouchable, however, her coat was nowhere near good enough today and this lost her BOB in the final challenge. 2 Coverley's Ch Aventine Shaken Not Stirred. Another stunning bitch who I liked a great deal and was just edged by first on profile movement, although she could easily have swapped places, such was the closeness of the decision, her coat had been completely stripped out, which also detracted from the overall picture.3 Edwards &Lavin's Romanchi Kikima Of Bellavin.

Anthony P Rees