Judge: Mr Howard Ogden

BEST OF BREED : MASON Ch Teckeltown Master Piece
Dog CC : MASON Ch Teckeltown Master Piece
Res Dog CC : MAGRI Rozamie Red Corvette
Bitch CC : PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Sandpiper
Res Bitch CC : RUDKIN Dynastydax Alfreda JW
Best Puppy : PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Sandpiper & Hound Puppy Group 2
Best Veteran : BULLINGHAM Bowetts Aventurine at Stoweytop
Best Special Beginner : DALTON Llansansior's Miss Muffin

Minor Puppy Dog (10 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: MAGRI Rozamie Red Corvette
2nd: GLEAVE Stargang Pink Floyd
3rd: BULLINGHAM Stoweytop Treacle
Res: KAY Dachienne Charlie Brown At Lochlip
VHC: MILLS Nisyros Lorenzo

Puppy Dog (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: GLEAVE Stargang Pink Floyd
2nd: KAY Dachienne Charlie Brown At Lochlip
3rd: HAMBLING Chaseover Moonshine

Junior Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: MAGRI Lokmadi Call Me Louis Rozamie
2nd: WILSON Shantallah secret shadow at Linburndax
3rd: PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Firecrest

Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BLACK & CROSS Riowood Red Boots
2nd: JENNINGS Marvale a Royal Affair

Limit Dog (6 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: WHYTW Cheguevar Paddington Bear at Dachienne JW
2nd: BAND & MCCARTHY Carpaccio Red Alert For Essandsee
3rd: JENNINGS Marvale Northern Cardinal at Jenivon
Res: MUTTON Ivan Poddubny Iz Omskoi Kreposti For Montone (imp

Open Dog (6 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: MASON Ch Teckeltown Master Piece
2nd: GENTLE Dimogen Stargazer
3rd: PEEL & ANDISON Ch Clentry Donnie Darco

Veteran Dog (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st:  BAKER & CLEMENTS Duke Midnight William

Special Beginner Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: KAY Dachienne Charlie Brown At Lochlip
2nd: MILLS Nisyros Lorenzo

Minor Puppy Bitch (11 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: COXON D'Arisca Little Black Dress
2nd: HUNT Mylforbe Red Velvet At Sunara
3rd: 6MAGRI Rozamie Abracadedrah
Res: THOMSON Springfern Velvet at Zilveraat
VHC: HARDY Rossmia Kensington Beauty

Puppy Bitch (10 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: PAGET & CARROLL Marvale Sandpiper
2nd: MITCHELL Emily Bronia Camille
3rd: THOMSON Springfern Velvet at Zilveraat
Res: RUDKIN Crosscop If I Could Dream for Dynastydax
VHC: ROSE Rosencrantz Ophelia

Junior Bitch (13 Entries) Abs: 5
1st: KENT Lokmadi Oh What a Circus
2nd: JENNINGS Marvales Jena Taf cnaf
3rd: JAMES Lois lane cheky's hojanmitnaf at Daxiemoors
Res: BAKER & CLEMENTS,Rayol Bohemian Rapsody
VHC: HARRISON Harridachs Cherry Blossom

Post Graduate Bitch (11 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: METCALFE-BILGIN Metadale legacy lives on
2nd: JENNINGS Jenivons Miss Marple
3rd: GITTINS Markidachs Saffrons Gift at Boomerloo
Res: GLEAVE Stargang Krystal Kisses
VHC: DIAMOND & CARRUTHERS Clentry Shooting Star

Limit Bitch (11 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: O'CONNELL Hollybirch Glowing Gold for Llennocor
2nd: GITTINS Markidachs Saffrons Dream At Boomerloo
3rd: PEEL & ANDISON Minidogland Bunny (Naf) (Imp Rus)
Res: ROSE Pennydach Mystique at Rosencrantz
VHC: ROBERTS & SMITH Sonora Ginger Snap For Rayol

Open Bitch (12 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: RUDKIN Dynastydax Alfreda JW
2nd: KENT Lokmadi With a Dragon Tattoo
3rd: MASON Collidachs Hot Springs At Teckeltown
Res: CROSS Loggeta Pickled Lilly JW

Veteran Bitch (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: BULLINGHAM Bowetts Aventurine at Stoweytop

Special Beginners Bitch (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: DALTON Llansansior's Miss Muffin
2nd: HARRISON Harridachs Cherry Blossom
3rd: GERALD Winterfield's June of Arabia
Res: STODDARD Kentwone Magic Starry Night Mit Poppyville

Given the wintry driving/parking conditions, I was as generous as possible to accommodate those calling ahead to fellow exhibitors to say they were one of the 10 in MPD and all but present/ trying to park, albeit that tended to defeat the point of the 08.30 start from the management’s perspective. Those already in the ring were both understanding & accommodating so Credit where it’s due for sportsmanship. I had studied the updated breed standard, as of October ‘22, as well as the Category 2 features. 60 of the 101exhibits made it, 18 of which were overweight. That’s 30 per cent. Is that not troubling? Am not talking about hovering around the “desired maximum “ of 11lbs, but rather up to12, 13 and 14lbs for this Miniature variety. Some sought to challenge the scales’ accuracy but 53 mini longs followed to be weighed with barely 10 per cent so affected. I granted a re-weigh to a doubter that still came in at 12lbs. Yes I did consistently penalise, that may help to explain some unexpectedly low placings, or lack of one. Quoting the updated breed standard under breed characteristics: “Essential that functional build and size and proportions are retained to ensure working ability.” The words “size and proportions “ were those newly inserted in October. Covid, where banned close personal contact resulted in a period w/o weighing, has been suggested as the cause but that is no longer a viable argument. This really is a case of judges’ responsibility. 
MPD (10,5) The original 3 ultimately became 5. 1 Magri’s Rozamie Red Corvette. 7m red with an arresting, unexaggerated outline that was compact & muscled with 25% ground clearance; conical head with taper & no muzzle weakness down to slightly arched muzzle; gd eye & ear; long, clean neck; well formed front with full & oval thorax; correctly angulated fore & aft; gd length of sternum, leading to firm loin & correct croup with gd tail carriage; short, dense coat; moved with purpose & so true & free so as to annex the Res Dog CC with his “champion qualities “ notwithstanding his youth. Title bound. 2 Gleave’s Stargang Pink Floyd. 6m red; just a touch less certain & compact yet exuding breed type & structure; conical head with uniform taper & strength of muzzle; oblique eye; scored in neck, backline & angles; moved so parallel with equal width & some drive as he settled into his environment; v promising future. 3 Bullingham’s Stoweytop Treacle. 
PD (6,3) 1 S Pink Floyd. 2 D Charlie Brown At L Res in MPD; 8m red of v gd breed type & ground clearance; moulded, secure front just needing time to fill out in thorax; scored in neck & in compact body proportions; moved out so free & true with a gd carriage & more settled to the task in hand as evidenced in SBD; plenty of promise. 3 Hambling’s Chaseover Moonshine. 
JD (4,1) 1 Magri’s Lokmadi Call Me Louis Rozamie. 15m red brindle; lovely head & eye down to tapering, slightly arched, muzzle; moulded front; ex breastbone & length of sternum; well angulated; has clearance; moved soundly parallel with some drive off muscled hindquarters; still a maturing teenager so as to fill in loin; quality, stylish youngster. 2 Wilson’s Shantallah Secret Shadow at Linburndax. 12m b/t with a headpiece of correct proportions and taper; can still tighten in front; beautifully bodied being moderate and compact; full in thorax; gd length of sternum; full rump & correct croup gave some parallel drive; gaited well; added maturity will only enhance. 3 Paget & Carroll’s Marvale Firecrest. 
PGD (2) 1 Black & Cross’ Riowood Red Boots. 15m red who had the distinction of having nothing about him not to like; quite simply he represented “quality” & all in moderation & proportionate with a bold carriage to take the eye; ex head shape plus eye & ears; full, oval thorax; ribs extending well back with gd length of sternum into a short loin with slight arch; correct feet being broader in front than rear; compact, parallel & balanced on the move; will be challenging the best for a title, on this showing, as the show season progresses. 2 Jennings’ Marvale A Royal Affair. 15m b/t with a weight easily addressed being well covered & in ex body condition; gd in skull & muzzle if a shade deep in stop; rather out at elbow & a typical teenager being that touch long in loin; correctly angulated in rear that was muscled & made good use of on the move to drive him along. 
LD (6,2) 1 Whyte’s Cheguevar Paddington Bear at Dachienne JW. 4.5yrs red with a well filled front & oval thorax; excellent eye & ear; a touch long but with ribs extending well back; well muscled standing on gd feet; correct in backline & croup; parallel & positive on the move. 2 Band & McCarthy’s Carpaccio Red Alert For Essandsee. 3.5yrs shaded red of v gd breed type; gd headpiece of balanced length & uniform taper; relatively down at pastern to affect the degree of clearance; more compact to give gd body proportions with slight arch to his strong loin & a broad muscled rump enabled positive drive. 3 Jennings’ Marvale Northern Cardinal At Jenivon. 
OD (6,3) 1 Mason’s Ch Teckletown Master Piece JW 2yrs red with everything going for him so as to meet the description of “moderately long and low with no exaggeration“; compact with 25% clearance; masculine, tapered head with no hint of coarseness; oblique eye; highset ear; beautifully constructed; full in thorax; gd length of sternum; short, slightly arched, loin; angulated to enable parallel, balanced, reach & drive on gd feet and correct width all through; always reassuring to come across an exhibit, previously unknown to you, to discover already on 4CCs albeit so young. Clearly many more to come with this degree of defiant carriage. Dog CC & BOB 2 Gentle’s Dimogen Stargazer. 3yrs b/t; not as firm in front & pastern nor as compact; v gd headpiece; long, clean neck running into a well placed shoulder; well muscled so as to shine with condition; breadth across rump; correct croup & tailset & carriage so as to drive behind. 3 Peel & Andison’s Ch Clentry Donnie Darco. 
VD (1) 1 Baker & Clements’ Duke Midnight William. 8yrs choc/ tan; scored in proportions both in head and body; had strength in his correctly tapering muzzle; eye a little round; relatively weak in front & light in loin with a tendency to roach; dense jacket in ex order; well formed & angulated rear put to good use on the move. 
SBD (2) 1 D Charlie Brown At L. 2 N Lorenzo. b/t who was VHC in PD; lovely head & eye; gd thorax & clearance; well formed & angulated front; well placed shoulder; currently is relatively short in rib & long in loin that maturity can readily address in addition to losing his “puppy fat”; the basic structure is all there ready to build upon. 
MPB (11,3) 1 Coxon’s D’Arisca Little Black Dress 8m b/t of exquisite breed type who absolutely flowed along with a parallel, long stride with rear drive and required clearance; utterly feminine in head with ex features; well filled in front; long neck; so well angulated throughout; spot on for coat condition; excitedly raw yet so secure & stylish as to leave one in no doubt that we were in the presence of a future champion; quite a privilege. 2 Hunt’s Mylforbe Red Velvet At Sunara. Rising 9m red; make no mistake she is also title bound with much rivalry ahead between these two & the top two in PB; loved her head & eye; she scored in her moderate proportions; compact; long neck with arch; well filled with a moulded front; correct backline to a full rump so as to allow equal width through; just needed that touch more, consistent, positivity. 3 Magri’s Rozamie Abrecadedebra. 
PB (10,4) 1 Paget & Carroll’s Marvale Sandpiper. 11m shaded red of classic unexaggerated proportions & benefitting from being more mature, compact & “finished” than most; immediately hit by her structure, duly confirmed “hands on” & had strength through her long, tapered, muzzle; prominent breastbone; thorax full & oval; gd, clean, neck length & well ribbed back with gd length of sternum; slight arch to her short loin; gd in croup & in broad rump; moved so true & parallel so as to see right through her; the more I asked of her, the better she gave of herself. Now I see is half-sister to the Dog CC. Bitch CC; BPIB; PGroup2 under Dachshund expert Jeff Horswell 2 Mitchell’s Bronia Camil. Another 11m shaded red so as to also give that maturity advantage; unexaggerated, classic breed type looking ready to challenge for a title; proportionate length & strength through her tapered muzzle; ex eye & ear; compact; moderately long & low with sufficient clearance; ex front assembly; gd length of sternum; well angulated; moved parallel with an increasingly confident style once fully into her stride. 3 Springfern Velvet at Z. 
JB (13,5) 1 Kent’s Lokmadi Oh What a Circus. Truly feminine 13m b/t; another built on classic lines & who should be challenging for the top awards this summer; there is nothing not to like; represents moderation in her proportions; attractive head type; gd eye; well ribbed back; ex feet, on firm pads, assisted strength of movement that was as free as it was true. 2 Jennings’ Marvales Jena Taf Naf 14m shaded red & well able to state her own case since she ticks so many breed specific boxes; length & strength in her tapered muzzle; full in thorax; nicely moulded front; sufficiently compact at this “ teenage” stage with gd carriage; well capable of holding her own as the season progresses. 3 James’ Lois Lane Cheky’s Hojanmitnaf at Daxiemoors. 
PGB (11,2) 1 Metcalfe-Bilgin’s Metadale Legacy Lives On. 21m shaded red; ex breed type in all respects and all in proportion; conical head with a uniform taper; so sound in structure; well filled in front; compact with clearance; short loin with slight arch; well boned; well angulated; well muscled; had sound reach & drive with “withers and quarters of approximately the same height”; struck me as title bound in this form & this positive style. 2 Jennings’ Jenivons Miss Marple. another red showing great potential as she emerges from this 18m teenager stage; totally feminine & so sound; well filled in front; prefer more strength through muzzle, notwithstanding her sex; still to finish filling in loin but maturity can address; she moved absolutely parallel on gd bone & feet. 3 Gittins’ Markidachs Saffrons Gift at Boomerloo. 
LB (11,4) 1 O’Connell’s Hollybirch Glowing Gold For LLennozor. 3yrs shaded red who fits that “nothing not to like” label & would anticipate challenging for a title; utterly feminine, proportionate & functional; v gd to go over; compact with clearance; feminine in head yet with strength in jaw; dark eye; prominent breastbone; strong loin with slight arch; so sound & parallel with a gd stride; shown to advantage. 2 Gittins’ Markidachs Saffrons Dream At Boomerloo. 5yrs b/t; quality exhibit; lovely feminine head; well ribbed up & muscled with sufficient clearance; well angulated & v sound moving on truly flowing lines; just that bit longer cast 3 Peel & Andison’s Minidogland Bunny (Naf) (Imp Rus) 
OB (12,4) Really competitive class with two contenders disappointingly weighing in at 13/14lbs respectively. 1 Rudkin’s Dynastydax Alfreda JW. 19m b/t being Bronia sired and turned out to be chasing that 3rd CC; head is long, proportionate & conical w/o weakness as it tapers; moderately long and low; compact with clearance; well filled front & oval thorax; gd structure & angles; firm in loin; gd breadth through rump; plenty of style as she eased into her free & flowing action; still a teenager she will “finish” still better whilst that title is the mearest formality as acknowledged by signing her the Bitch Res CC. 2 Kent’s Lokmadi With a Dragon Tattoo. 3yrs red brindle & another of this breeding making its mark; such a feminine, proportionate, head albeit prefer a touch more strength in muzzle; nicely moulded front; full in thorax; gd in rib; touch long in loin; gd short coat; well conditioned; sound, parallel & free moving with a gd stride so as to readily state her case. 3 Mason’s Collidachs Hot Springs At Teckeltown 
VB (1) 1 Bullingham’s Bowetts Aventurine at Stoweytop. rising 9yrs red; plenty of gd breed type; feminine head with strength through muzzle; full in thorax with ribs extending well back with gd length of sternum; well angulated; densely coated; just running rather wide in rear. BVIB. 
SBB (6) 1 Dalton’s Llansansior’s Miss Muffin. 24m red who just missed out in PGB; you would never have guessed that this exhibitor is only 2m into the showing game as she was so competent and should most surely continue as this is a most typical b of gd shape & overall structure with a lovely head & eye, albeit lacked length of neck; compact & moved true, being well muscled & conditioned; they make a gd team. Best Spec Beg In Breed. 2 Harrison’s Harridachs Cherry Blossom. 15m red unplaced in JB; plenty of gd breed points & super feminine with a lovely head & eye; nicely filled in front; compact; being a teenager she is still relatively raw & needs to fill in loin; moving rather wide behind; maturity, beyond this tricky developmental phase, will only be to her advantage. 3 Herald’s Winterfield’s June of Arabia.
Howard Ogden